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Articles from Springer a leading global scientific publisher of scientific books and journals. - dna ancestry @ Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 07:31 AM
Deep Learning Modeling Using Normal Mammograms for Predicting Breast Cancer - Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics @ 2022-01-01
Breast cancer is the most dangerous leading cause of cancer-related death among women in the world. Internet of things (IoT) connected device that can help detect breast cancer earlier. Mammograms are the main way to detect breast cancer. But it is difficult to detect the cancer cell in the breast tissue. Because it has more tissue and less fat, the digitized mammography images are used for analyzing the abnormal areas of density, mass, and calcification that indicate the presence of cancer. In cases where adequate labeled data is available, deep learning approaches show considerable progress, and many advanced deep learning approaches have been proposed that have shown efficiency in the last few years in various modalities of computer vision and medical imaging. The small size of the medical image dataset also lowers the efficiency and robustness of computer-aided detection and/or diagnosis (CAD) systems based on deep learning. This research aims to build and test a new hybrid deep learning-based CAD method to predict the probability of a breast lesion found on a mammogram being malignant in an attempt to overcome this technological challenge. In this method, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) will first be pre-trained using the ImageNet dataset. This work aims to develop and test a new CAD method based on hybrid transfer learning for mammographic mass classification. By combining the initial mammogram images with their morphological and texture variations, it is possible to produce more pseudo-color images to be added with information. Additional filters are used to remove unrelated transferred CNN characteristics on the network.
Cyclophosphamide bioactivation pharmacogenetics in breast cancer patients - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology @ 2021-09-01
Cyclophosphamide bioactivation pharmacogenetics in breast cancer patients - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology @ 2021-09-01
Cyclophosphamide bioactivation pharmacogenetics in breast cancer patients - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology @ 2021-09-01
Cyclophosphamide bioactivation pharmacogenetics in breast cancer patients - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology @ 2021-09-01
Cyclophosphamide bioactivation pharmacogenetics in breast cancer patients - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology @ 2021-09-01
Sex determination systems are highly conserved among most vertebrates with genetic sex determination, but can be variable and evolve rapidly in some. Here, we study sex determination in a clade with exceptionally high sex chromosome turnover rates. We identify the sex determining chromosomes in three interspecific crosses of haplochromine cichlid fishes from Lakes Victoria and Malawi. We find evidence for different sex determiners in each cross. In the Malawi cross and one Victoria cross the same chromosome is sex-linked but while females are the heterogametic sex in the Malawi species, males are the heterogametic sex in the Victoria species. This chromosome has not previously been reported to be sex determining in cichlids, increasing the number of different chromosomes shown to be sex determining in cichlids to 12. All Lake Victoria species of our crosses are less than 15,000 years divergent, and we identified different sex determiners among them. Our study provides further evidence for the diversity and evolutionary flexibility of sex determination in cichlids, factors which might contribute to their rapid adaptive radiations.
Anthracycline is a mainstay in treatment of many cancers including lymphoma and breast cancer among many others. However, anthracycline treatment can be cardiotoxic. Although anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity is dose dependent, it can also occur early at the onset of treatment and even up to several years following completion of treatment. This review article focuses on the understanding of mechanisms of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity, the treatments, and recommended follow-up and preventive approaches.
Biological computation involves the design and development of computational techniques inspired by natural biota. On the other hand, computational biology involves the development and application of computational techniques to study biological systems. We present a comprehensive review showcasing how biology and computer science can guide and benefit each other, resulting in improved understanding of biological processes and at the same time advances in the design of algorithms. Unfortunately, integration between biology and computer science is often challenging, especially due to the cultural idiosyncrasies of these two communities. In this study, we aim at highlighting how nature has inspired the development of various algorithms and techniques in computer science, and how computational techniques and mathematical modeling have helped to better understand various fields in biology. We identified existing gaps between biological computation and computational biology and advocate for bridging this gap between “wet” and “dry” research.
Title: - Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology @ 2021-08-01
Title: - Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology @ 2021-08-01
DNA methylation and breast cancer-associated variants - Breast Cancer Research and Treatment @ 2021-08-01
DNA methylation and breast cancer-associated variants - Breast Cancer Research and Treatment @ 2021-08-01
DNA methylation and breast cancer&#045&#059;associated variants - Breast Cancer Research and Treatment @ 2021-08-01
Title: - Pediatric Nephrology @ 2021-08-01
Title: - Pediatric Nephrology @ 2021-08-01
Title&#058&#059; - Pediatric Nephrology @ 2021-08-01
Found 23 Articles for dna ancestry